Guilford College Vet: Your Trusted Greensboro Vet

In the heart of Greensboro, North Carolina, is a vet clinic that has a heart for pets and loves helping keep them happy and healthy. We know how much your furry friend means to you, and it is our goal to help take care of them to the best of our ability. There are many ways you can take care of your pet from the comfort of your own home that does not require a vet visit, but of course, we are always here to help in any way we can.

5 Ways to Help Your Pet Stay Healthy Longer

  1. Regular checkups at the vet
    Regularly scheduled checkups at your local vet are so important for your pet. Scheduling time to have your pet examined for things under the surface that can’t be seen or have not caused bigger problems yet is so important in the health and well being of your pet. By regularly visiting your vet, it also helps your vet get to know your pet better and notice small changes that may not have been noticed otherwise. This also gives you a chance to ensure your pet is up to date on their vaccinations which can help protect them from infections and diseases.
  2. Healthy diet
    Not all pet food is created equally, and some can be very harmful to pets depending on the ingredients included and the size and age of the pet that food is meant for. A healthy diet is so important to help keep your pet healthy and strong. Proper food specifically meant for your pet based on their size and age are vital to a healthy lifestyle, and your vet can help recommend the best options for your pet. It is also good to ask your vet about specific types of treats and other food your furry friend may be given as sometimes those can cause unwanted side effects or issues later on.
  3. Appropriate exercise
    Most pet owners know that exercise is a big part in keeping your pet active, happy, and healthy, but different types of pets and different size pets require different exercise. It’s important to talk to your vet about how much exercise your pet needs and if there is a specific exercise program that would be better than others. Some pets require lots of running and jogging, while others just need a light stroll around the block. Smaller pets generally require less exercise than larger pets, but it is best to consult your local vet for your pet’s specific needs.
  4. Proper grooming
    Grooming is often overlooked or seen as not as important for a pet’s health, but it actually plays a huge part in helping keep your pet active and healthy. Proper grooming means having your pet brushed, bathed, teeth cleaned, ears cleaned, and nails trimmed. So many times a pet comes in with an ingrown toenail, which may not seem like a big deal, but it causes your pet a lot of pain, makes them less active, and can cause infections. Such seemingly small details like grooming can make a big difference in your pet’s overall lifestyle and make them more comfortable and happy when grooming is done properly. Whether you take your pet to a groomer or do it yourself, be sure it is done regularly and with care.
  5. Lots of love
    And finally, shower your furry friend with all the love you can. Knowing they are loved gives life and happiness to your pet and helps keep them healthy. A pet that is loved enjoys spending time with you, may enjoy cuddling with you, tends to have better eating habits, usually enjoys running and playing, and has meaning to life. When they have you, they have the world. By loving your pet, you help them heal and stay healthy on a different level that no veterinarian can give them. Your pet is your buddy, and they need to know how much you love them to help them stay healthy and strong.

Every pet is unique, and their needs will be unique to them but knowing your pet and how they normally act can help you keep an eye on them and notice when things change. Sometimes the smallest change, such as suddenly tired all the time or moody or even aggressive, is a sign that something is going on under the surface. Our pets can’t tell us what hurts or what is bothering them, so their actions do the talking for them. If you are ever concerned something might be wrong, it is always better to visit the vet as soon as possible than wait until it is too late. If you are in the Greensboro area and are looking for a trusted vet clinic, Guilford College Vet is the place for you and your pet.  We can help keep your pet up to date on their vaccinations, guide you on the best food and exercise for your pet, suggest grooming tips or places to go, and care for your pet each time they visit us. Contact us today with any questions you have about the services we offer here at our Greensboro vet clinic or make an appointment to help keep your pet healthy for years to come. Because at the heart of Greensboro is our heart for caring for and loving every pet that comes through our doors.

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